When you’re looking for a reliable electric fence, there are several types to consider. It is vital to work alongside a professional electric fencing company such as DM Security SystemsYou can choose from Ground system, Semi-permanent, Temporary,Plug-in energizer, or Poly-tape. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a look at them.
Ground system
Electric fences work by connecting the fence’s wires to a ground system. This ground system is comprised of galvanized metal stakes buried in the ground near the energizer. When an animal touches these stakes, they complete the circuit and receive a shock. The energizer must be as conductive as possible to work properly.A ground system is vitally important for proper operation of an electric fence. The energy from the animal’s feet must pass through the ground to reach the energizer’s earth terminal. The circuit completes when the animal touches the wire and earth. The shock that follows is very painful and often fatal.
Semi-permanent electric fences are usually designed to contain livestock. They use a grounding system to keep the animal out of the fence and send the current back to the energizer. The ground rods are connected to each other via a galvanized wire.Semi-permanent fences come in different styles and materials. Some are made of wood posts while others are made from U or T-posts. These fences are durable and can last for 20 years or more.
Temporary electric fences can be used to control the flow of electric currents around a property. It is vital perform regular electric fence repairs and maintenance on all electric fences at least one every 6 months. These fences are made with six stainless steel conductors and a white UV stabilized yarn. They can be installed on either side of a property and are relatively easy to install. There are two types of temporary fences available: poliwire and politape. Both contain six stainless steel conductors but differ in their diameter and wire size.A temporary electric fence can be used around a yard to keep animals from wandering around. Before putting it up, use a Dare #2411 Digital Voltmeter to test the grounding system. Place the probe on the ground wire and extend it to the ground rods. Then, place the probe in the soil.
Plug-in energizer
Plug-in energizers are used to give an electrical current to an electric fence. They are available in different types depending on the size of the fence and the number of wires it has. They are also designed to be shock-resistant and come with built-in lightning protection. These devices work by sending pulses of electricity to the fence in short intervals.
There are two types of electric fence chargers: AC and DC. The AC type is the least expensive and has the longest range. The AC unit requires special and professional electric fence installation.
Poly tape
Poly tape for electric fences is an inexpensive, durable way to keep animals such as horses safely contained. Polytape is also very visible compared to polywire, and it has reinforced rip-stop edges for added durability. For maintenance and splicing, poly tape is easily spliced with specially designed buckles. Polytape is best charged with a low-impedance fence charger with low output. Never use a continuous output charger for polytape.
Another benefit of polyelectric fence tape is that it is easy to install. It is also much easier to work with than metal wire, making it the ideal choice for a temporary fence. And unlike metal wire, polytape will not rust or stretch over time. This makes it perfect for temporary fencing, stock control, and controlled grazing.