Every individual in the world has their own set of needs, and for some, even the simplest tasks can be challenging. Whether it be due to their age or some disability, they may struggle to live their lives as independently as they would like to. This can be more than just a little frustrating for them.
Fortunately, thanks to a better understanding of these needs, there is better technology and equipment on the market to help them. In an area of the home like the bathroom, where requiring help can feel embarrassing, this is especially important. Whether it be you yourself that needs something or you want to upgrade your home for a loved one, the following tools might work in your favor.
Just trying to sit down can be an obstacle for some people, and getting up is not much easier either. It could take some individuals a while to do, and in some cases, it could be risky. Trying to move too fast could lead to them slipping or falling down.
No matter if it is near the toilet or in the shower, a handrail can act as guidance for those who need assistance so that they do not have to rely on others for help. This device can also act as a great support for those with canes, as they can hang them from the rail while they do their other tasks.
Shower Seats
Showers typically take a person about 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and standing that long is challenging for everyone. As we age, our bones and joints weaken, so older individuals can feel a lot of pain when on their feet for too long. Not only that, but the slippery surface of a shower floor can leave them susceptible to falling and injuring themselves.
Shower seats allow them to get clean in comfort and also allow them to keep their soap and shampoo closer to them. Along with this seat, if they only have a bathtub and not a shower, it is also a wise idea to install a walk-in tub. This will make it possible for them not to have to step over the edge to get in.
Hands-Free Toilet
Using the bathroom is an everyday occurrence that occurs multiple times daily. While this is simple and quick for many of us, some have issues even sitting down on the toilet seat. No one wants to ask for help when doing something so personal, so installing a smart toilet can be crucial.
When you choose an option such as the toilet created by Swan Toilets, you don’t have to worry about touching anything except a remote control. Both a toilet and bidet, the Swan Model S Pro makes life simpler by cutting out toilet paper and automatically opening and shutting whenever it senses someone is ready to sit down.
Even better, the Swan S Pro also comes with a smart toilet seat with a warmer, leaving everyone’s bottoms feeling comfortable while relieving themselves. This is especially important for those with disabilities or suffering from anal problems, as they might be on the toilet a little longer than others.
Because of its features, this toilet is also great for little children learning to use the toilet, too! The use of a bidet helps keep them clean, as they are prone to forgetting to wipe afterward, and the heated seat will keep them from complaining when they go to sit down.
Look Into Assistance Programs
Even if these items are worth their cost, not everyone can afford every device they require. Thankfully, there are plenty of government programs out there that can offer aid to individuals who need it most. You can look into your state’s funding programs to see if you or your loved one meet the requirements and get assistance paying for tools as needed.
Even though the Swan S Pro does not fall under this umbrella, it is still a truly valuable investment to make. The toilet has over 35 different integrations that can be customized to every person who uses it. As an added benefit, customers have the option to pay as little as $70 each month to make financing much easier. You can check out the Swan Toilets website to see what else this invention can offer you.
Everyone deserves to live as independently as possible, even if it takes a few household adjustments to make it possible. Remember the above options when you want to make a bathroom trip more comfortable for anyone who stops by.