Commonly used types of cement in construction

In construction, aggregates and reinforcing elements are joined together using cement, a binding substance. Technology advancement has led to improvements in cement quality and variety. Therefore, there are several types of cement for various construction projects that a lot of people are not aware of. Based on the composition of materials used during its production, each variety of cement has unique characteristics, applications, and advantages. One of the most crucial factors that affect a building’s structural stability is the quality of the cement.

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

The most popular type of cement produced and used globally is regular Portland cement. A variety of building stones quarried on the Isle of Portland in Dorset, England, gave rise to the generic name “Portland.” Most general concrete jobs and construction projects involving mortar or stucco can be completed with OPC.

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)

Pozzolanic clinker is grinded with Portland cement to create Portland pozzolana cement. It can also be made by consistently and closely blending fine pozzolana with Portland cement or by adding pozzolana along with gypsum or calcium sulphate. It is used for pouring concrete underwater for bridges, piers, dams, and other large-scale construction projects, as well as in sewage treatment facilities and marine constructions.

Low-heat Cement 

Low-heat cement is made by manufacturers by keeping an eye on the amount of tricalcium aluminate in the mixture to make sure it doesn’t exceed 6% of the total. This makes this type of cement less reactive and more resistant to sulphates than other types of cement by maintaining low heat during the hydration process. It might be appropriate for mass concrete construction or projects that aim to avoid heat-related cracking. However, compared to other types, low-heat cement could take longer to first set.

Rapid Hardening Cement 

Rapid hardening cement, which is used in concrete if formwork is removed early on and is similar to regular portland cement, achieves high strength early on (OPC). Because of the higher c3s concentration, increased lime content, and finer grinding in this cement, it becomes stronger than OPC early on.

Rapid hardening cement has a three-day strength that is comparable to OPC’s seven-day strength at the same water-to-cement ratio. Because formwork may be removed early using this cement, construction can proceed more quickly and for less money because formwork costs are avoided.

Sulphate Resisting Cement 

When building foundations in areas with high sulphate soil concentration, sulphate-resisting cement is used to lower the danger of sulphate attack on concrete. In areas where water and soil are subjected to intense sulphate action, such as canal linings, culverts, retaining walls, syphons, etc., sulphate-resisting cement is utilised in construction.

White cement 

It is a white variety of regular portland cement that is made from raw materials free of iron oxide. It is more expensive and is used for architectural purposes, including precast curtain walls and facing panels, terrazzo surfaces, etc. 

Final thoughts 

There are various varieties of cement available to choose. Best way to discover which one is appropriate for your construction is to speak with the best and most reputed cement company dealer. Not only construction but cement is also used for interior and exterior decorative work. Facing slabs, exterior renderings of buildings, flooring, garden paths, ornamental concrete products, swimming pools, etc. are also done with cement.